Trust M and its collaborators will examine the wider challenges, issues, and potential for designing inclusive and trustworthy digital public services in Finland and provide solutions to them.
Work package 6 aims to develop and evaluate a pilot version of a hybrid public sector service with the City of Espoo to better engage and support migrant women, made possible by smoothly running interaction with collaborators. The outcomes from work packages 4–5 will be systematically assessed to inform the feasibility, best use case scenarios, future design, and best practices for deploying a wider conversational digital service for migrants by the City of Espoo and eventually for adoption by other municipalities.
The aim is to evaluate the conversational interactions and gather further, experience-driven understanding of how to digitally support migrant users and trust in public sector AI services.

Engaging other stakeholders in the public sector and civil society is crucial to the success of Trust M
Work package 6 will utilize expert evaluations by researchers, public sector officials, and technical developers; group interviews and scenario work with different end-user groups; and a short-term field trial. Further, work package 6 will define a set of metrics (both subjective and objective, quantitative and qualitative) for holistic impact assessment of digital systems deployed in the future by municipalities. The prototype and the assessment metrics, together with the trial data, are expected to inform future public procurement processes and eventual development of fully functional systems across different municipalities in Finland.
The transdisciplinary nature of Trust-M provides fertile ground to include a central public-sector interaction partner which (1) enables successful service development that meets the requirements of municipalities and migrant people, as well as (2) implementing the research outcomes in broad scale to promote the projectʼs societal impact.
Trust-M will interact not only with the Consortium member City of Espoo, but also with other municipalities (notably City of Helsinki), public sector and nonprofit stakeholders and industry providers to examine the wider challenges, issues, and potential for designing inclusive and trustworthy digital public services in Finland and provide solutions to them.

Work Package Leader:
Teemu Haapalehto, teemu.haapalehto(a)
Irena Bakic
Viivi Eskelinen
Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)